
Take A Look At The New You

Obesity and overweight can be a fatal factor for all of us. It leads to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes, as well as a number of other serious health conditions which can have drastic implications. So it is always better to keep ourself away from it. But, human beings are prone to it at any age, even they are afraid of it. There are various reasons behind it like improper food habits, improper sleeping habits, etc. But suffering from obesity doesn’t mean that you torture yourself by going on starvation. People must know that they can get freedom from obesity with just a little amount of weight loss slowly and steadily and can live a healthy life.

Countries like US and UK are prone to obesity problems. Even children’s are not spared. It is a common fact that when a person confront obesity he/she either start staying hungry or just stick to a single diet whole through the life with a bit of physical exercise.. This is really a tedious matter. And sometimes the results are also not up to par. So when nothing works, Phentermine works in a more perfect and significant way. Approved by the US FDA as a treatment for obesity, Phentermine can help obese patients lose significant amounts of weight and keep them off. 

It is a pill that helps in reducing weight by changing and restraining the urge of food, increases your metabolism, burn your calories as well as increase your energy. This drug is generally taken in empty stomach once daily before breakfast. This medication is generally taken for 9 to 14 weeks to get some confirmative result. It is strictly prescribed only to those people who are at medical risk because of their obesity problems. Besides, FDA recommends that this drug is not for a very long time usage.

Side effects such as diarrhea, impotence, insomnia and dizziness are reported to be experienced by patients. Hence it is advised to consult a doctor before starting or stopping this medicine.

Though Phentermine is receiving positive results in the recent times, but always better to follow a proper routine with balance diet. This gives us the necessary to carry out our daily activities without hampering our body physically or mentally. In fact a balanced diet enables us to have a shapely body with the appropriate amount of fat and muscles.

Why Can T I Lose Weight

That’s the question many people ask when their weight loss plan isn’t working.

Asking yourself ‘Why can’t I lose weight?’ is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself. It says you know that what you’re currently doing isn’t working for you. 

You’re at the place where you’re ready to look at alternatives – try something different to get a result you want.

So why can’t you lose weight? Here are 3 possible reasons you may not be losing weight – and some suggestions on what you can do about it. 

#1) Medical Reasons 

Now this is not the same as saying you’re genetically programmed to be overweight. That is hogwash. In fact scientists estimate that even if you do have a genetic propensity to gain weight, your genes only account for 15 – 25% of your current weight. So forget the genetics excuse. 

But there are medical reasons that some people can’t lose weight. Low thyroid, adrenal exhaustion, insulin resistance and other medical conditions can make losing weight near to impossible.

That’s why before starting any weight loss plan, you should talk to your doctor first. Have a full workup and make sure that you don’t have any health issues standing in the way of your weight loss. 

There’s nothing more frustrating that trying to lose weight, doing all the right things and not losing an inch – all because of a medical condition. Get the medical condition cleared up first and then address the weight (in fact, the weight may just go down on it’s own once you get the medical condition addressed).

#2) Emotional Eating 

I recently read an article where a nutritionist estimated that 75% of overeating was due to emotions. 75%! Can you imagine what would happen if you learned to eliminate emotional eating and cut out all those calories? What a weight loss impact! The weight would be falling off.

Unfortunately, in today’s world, emotional eating is on the rise. Most people today are feeling the pressure of an increasingly hectic lifestyle. We hardly have time to tie our shoes, never mind deal with our emotions. 

Because of this, our emotions get stuffed down and ignored until finally they explode and we’re face-down in a bowl of Rocky-Road ice cream with extra chocolate sauce. 

Here’s the bottom line: you are human and you have emotions. Your emotional needs are important and need to be addressed properly with love. You need emotional nurturing and proper emotional care. 

If that means you take a 5 minute break every few hours at work to regain your emotional balance, do it. If that means you need to unwind by doing a mall walk and window shopping after work – don’t let anything stop you. 

Learn to nurture your emotional health and you’ll nip emotional eating in the bud – and start losing weight FAST.

#3) Mismatched Weight Loss Plan 

There are many different ways to lose weight and dozens of weight loss programs to choose from. Some plans emphasize a change in diet, others emphasize a change in exercise, others focus on the inner reasons for overeating. 

Every person is different and will lose weight in their own unique way. If what you’re doing now isn’t currently working, it may be a simple case of personality-plan mismatch. 

Maybe instead of a diet-focused weight loss plan, you would feel better with a fitness-focused weight loss plan or a psychological weight loss plan. There are lots of plans to choose from and you deserve to take your time and find one that fits your personality and lifestyle best. 

If you think this is the case, take some time to review different diet or weight loss plans. Find one that you can get excited about, one that makes sense to you and that fits your belief system and personality. That’s when you’ll make real weight loss progress!

So those are 3 possible reasons for your weight loss plateau. You don’t have to stay stuck in a weight loss rut. You don’t have to keep asking yourself the frustrating question: Why Can’t I Lose Weight?’ Keep believing in yourself and in your dreams. Don’t give up and you will get there!

Get Clean On The Inside First For A Safe Weight Loss

I was driving past the gym the other day and I was actually impressed at how full the building was with people diligently getting their workout for the day in. Perhaps it’s because it is summer time here in Los Angeles and everyone wants to look good for this time of the year.

Well, as motivating as this may be, and as much as I honestly applaud their efforts, I couldn’t help but wonder how many of these obviously dedicated people were concerned with not just the external appearance of health but the inside as well.

It is documented that people spend loads of money on the new weight-loss pill or supplement guaranteed to ‘make you eat less and increase your metabolism…’ and in spite of whatever side effects the product may contain, the average Joe, still thinks this quick fix will be worth the risk.

What most people fail to realize is most fitness experts and bodybuilders who may use or endorse such products have a tendency to atrophy and wear down prematurely as sooner or later, these bodies, enhanced by unnatural substances have a tendency to pretty much degenerate. 

Sure everyone wants to have the six-pack and the toned arms and all, and that is fine and of course worth striving for if one so desires, however, what should be of more importance is how clean the inside of the body is. This determines perhaps more than is realized just how one feels and speaking of a six-pack, if one’s colon and visceral organs are free of excess weight and debris, naturally a decent looking mid-section will be evident. (Just food for thought)

The average person is constantly carrying 10-15 pounds of un-eliminated feces in their bowels. This in itself has a toxic effect on the blood stream. Experts in autopsy have stated that in 60-70% of the colons examined, foreign matter such as worms and decades old feces-stones have been found still present within. 

Now, it’s not my intention to gross you out with the fact in the previous paragraph, but it is to hopefully make you realize how much more important it is to ensure that our insides are clean as we go about seeking to lose weight, at least the healthy way.

Now, it is important to know that healing properties, not the calories, as most diet fads state, is the main factor for choosing a diet for a safe and effective weight loss.

Therefore, fruits, some roots and mostly raw green leaf vegetables, which serve as nutrient giving items and intestinal brooms, should form the basis of a healthy diet when seeking to lose weight. 

These substances will serve to naturally combat chronic constipation which is the main indication of a clogged up system. Moreover, these are the items that provide one with the most natural sources of vitamins, minerals and fuel for day to living and borrowing from a cosmic law of nature, since “you are what you eat”, it goes without saying that if you want a safe and healthy weight loss, these items are of course your best bet.

Sure, it is a great feeling to be able to see the awesome cuts in your ‘abs’ and arms when you look in the mirror, but feeling good on the inside as well and knowing that you are thoroughly cleansed internally should be of just as much importance as ‘getting ripped’ or slim. 

Remember, the cleaner you are on the inside and the freer you are of toxicity the quicker you can and will attain your goal of being in shape.

Here’s to health and happiness.

The Best Weight Loss Program And Ultimate Self Help Book For The New Year

Reprogramming the Overweight Mind 7 Steps to Taking Control of the Subconscious does not follow the usual weight loss and diet book formula. There is not even a diet in the book. Instead the primary focus is on the behavior of eating and over 20 years have been spent perfecting the clinically proven program contained within the book. Every other book on weight loss has taken the position of attacking the body to try and change the mind.

The health of your body is dependent on your mental health and taking control of the subconscious is the key to lasting permanent change of any behavior. The subconscious mind is like a car without an off switch and an unknown driver. If you decide not to drive because you do not know how, it is going to drive itself. To give you an idea of the power of the subconscious, you can speak at a rate of about two to three hundred words per minute. Your subconscious runs at a rate of about one thousand to twelve hundred words per minute which is about four times faster than you can speak. This is why you can talk on the phone and perform other tasks like typing on the computer or driving a car because the subconscious is already programmed to do the other tasks. 

You can look at the conscious mind and the subconscious mind like a tug of war with a vat of mud in the middle for whom ever loses. The conscious mind is one person on one side against the subconscious, which are four people on the other side. If the conscious mind decides to move in a different direction like changing your diet, losing weight, increasing your fitness program or any other change in your behavior, it is usually a losing proposition because you are simply out numbered with information. The only way you can insure permanent behavior change is take control of the subconscious. 

The Audio/Data CD included with the book is what makes this book the Best Weight Loss Program and Ultimate Self Help Book for the New Year? The audio portion of the CD is a guided meditation that is based on information collected in the first six steps of the program as opposed to using generic information. The Data portion of the CD includes all the documents necessary to perform a study that measures the dramatic improvement of the emotional state of the person using the program. The program process is based on the reality that all behavior is emotionally driven so if you understand how an emotional state comes about you can intervene and change the behavior. This is the foundation of the book and why it works for the full spectrum of behavior, not just weight loss, fitness motivation and eating disorders. All of this would not have much meaning if the book did not answer the most fundamental question first. What determines human (your) behavior? I have worked with people who have been in therapy for 20 years and can not answer this question. They can not answer the question because the therapist they are working with can not answer it. How can you help someone change a behavior if you do not know what brings a behavior about to begin with? 

Many people have reported that just the first two chapters of the book have made a significant difference in their lives. Because of this response Kelly has released the first two chapters for distribution free of charge.

Regardless of weather your health goal is a change in diet for weight loss, an increase in your fitness program or to take control of an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia. In the end the question you need to ask yourself is…Am I completely happy with the mind running itself or do I need to take control of it? If your answer is I need to take control of it, then Burris MIND/FITNESS is the answer.

How To Exercise To Lose 10 Pounds

How To Exercise To Lose 10 Pounds
You decide to lose 10 pounds. Before you do anything else, think about your preferences. Do you jog at 6 a.m. every morning, even when the 30 degree weather turns your nose into frost? Or, do you shudder at the thought of getting up early and prefer to wrap yourself in a down comforter? Your preferences towards exercise determine what you should do to lose weight. Let’s say you spend most of your leisure time sitting on the couch, reading a murder mystery. While you may not call yourself a “coach potato,” you do classify as an inactive person. Simply realizing this fact puts you one step forward to losing 10 pounds. The next step involves deciding how to exercise, which is part of any good weight loss plan. Sure, going to the gym may be the first option that comes to your mind, but you have more choices. You may breathe a sigh of relief after reading the last line, since the gym may not be comfortable or convenient for you. Other options to get more exercise can require more creativity, but the process is worth the extra effort. For instance, do you drive to the farmer’s market every weekend? Assuming it’s not too far, you might consider getting a cart and walking the distance Copied with permission from:

You decide to lose 10 pounds. Before you do anything else, think about your preferences. Do you jog at 6 a.m. every morning, even when the 30 degree weather turns your nose into frost? Or, do you shudder at the thought of getting up early and prefer to wrap yourself in a down comforter?

Your preferences towards exercise determine what you should do to lose weight. Let’s say you spend most of your leisure time sitting on the couch, reading a murder mystery. While you may not call yourself a “coach potato,” you do classify as an inactive person. Simply realizing this fact puts you one step forward to losing 10 pounds.

The next step involves deciding how to exercise, which is part of any good weight loss plan. Sure, going to the gym may be the first option that comes to your mind, but you have more choices. You may breathe a sigh of relief after reading the last line, since the gym may not be comfortable or convenient for you.

Other options to get more exercise can require more creativity, but the process is worth the extra effort. For instance, do you drive to the farmer’s market every weekend? Assuming it’s not too far, you might consider getting a cart and walking the distance

Is There Permanent Solution To Obesity

How do you Define Obesity?

The term morbid obesity refers to patients who are 50 – 100%, or 100 pounds above their ideal body weight. Alternatively, a BMI (body mass index) value greater than 39 may be used to diagnose morbid obesity.

Various studies indicates that about 31 percent of American teenage girls and 28 percent of boys are somewhat overweight. An additional 15 percent of American teen girls and nearly 14 percent of teen boys are obese. Causes include fast food, snacks with high sugar and fat content, use of automobiles, increased time spent in front of TV sets and computers, and a generally more sedentary lifestyles than slimmer peers.

While 15.5 percent of the general population of children is obese, 21.1 percent of the headache patients met the criteria for obesity, the researchers found.

The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing in all major socioeconomic and ethnic groups, including children and younger adults between 25 and 44.

BMI for Obesity

In people under 18, obesity is defined as a BMI in the 95th percentile for a person’s age group, meaning it is higher than that of 95 percent of his or her peers. A BMI in the 85th to 95th percentile puts a young person at risk of obesity, while healthy BMI is between the 6th and 85th percentiles.

Obesity and Health Problems

Overweight children and teens are more likely than thinner youngsters to have headaches. Headaches among overweight youngsters also tend to be more frequent too.

Affected people may gradually develop hypoxemia, which is decreased blood oxygen saturation, and have problems with sleep apnea, which is periodic cessation of breathing while asleep.

Permanent Solution to Obesity!

However, with the advances in the medical world, there is now a permanent solution to obesity. This method is permanent and is called the Gastric Bypass Surgery. This Gastric Bypass Surgery must be performed by a certified plastic surgeon. It is extremely safe and it is the most effective method in combating obesity! We urge you to find out more about Gastric Bypass as the permanent solution for you!

Four Steps To Tripling Your Energy

Tired? Tired of being tired? You aren’t alone. There are few human qualities more highly sought than energy. It determines our ability to enjoy life, to attract mates, to finish projects, to protect our families, to shape our bodies effectively, and so much more. 

While there are endless specific suggestions about herbs, exercises, meditations, supplements, rest patterns and so forth that I could mention, the most important and over-arching components are relatively simple, and available to anyone with the willingness to begin. 

Basically, your energy level will be controlled by three physical and one psychological factor. 

A) Fitness. There are a variety of different things that contribute to the quality called “fitness,” but a few of them are specific to energy level. 

1) Cardio-vascular fitness. A dead minimum of twenty minutes three times a week, just to stay in the game. If you want to create a swift, powerful change, try forty minutes four times a week. Walking is sufficiently intense, if you stay in the “aerobic zone” which can be described as a level of exertion where you can’t sing, but you can still talk! 

2) Body-mass index. Unneeded weight is like a sack of wet cement strapped to your back. It eats up energy like crazy. Regardless of what anyone says or implies, there is only one basic way to lose fat: to change the ratio of calories consumed to calories burned. In general, this requires discipline on BOTH ends. Fat loss is a two-headed snake. If you diet but don’t exercise, your metabolism can slow down to a crawl, denying you success. And if you exercise but don’t eat sensibly, well, a pound of fat has about 3500 calories. An hour of running only burns about 350 calories. Do the math. 

3) Flexibility. Often overlooked in the search for energy, flexibility is a measurement of tension in the body. A stiff body is like a car with its brakes on. Think how much gas your car would waste!! That gas is your energy, when you carry unnecessary tension. Most stretching activities are less a matter of “lengthening” muscles, tendons, or ligaments than learning how to communicate with your body, to learn how to breathe into tension. 

4) Strength. Contrary to popular belief, strength is more in the mind than the body. It is a matter of leverage, concentration, and controlled excitation even more than it is the “size” of the muscles involved. On a physiological level, it is a matter of the percentage of your muscle fibers you can recruit at a given moment. Weight training, or body-weight exercises like Hindu Pushups and Hindu Squats, are great ways to increase strength, which makes physical tasks much easier and less fatiguing. 

B ) Controlling food intake. A critical factor. Note that I didn’t say “diet.” At this point, we all pretty much understand that diets don’t work

Cholesterol Control

Newspapers have reported on the drawbacks of having a diet high in fat. High-fat diet has been linked to high cholesterol and ultimately to heart attacks. Hence, people have started avoiding beef and eggs. But cholesterol is not bad. Our body needs it to protect nerves and build new cells and hormones. It is only when we include foods like pizzas, burgers, ice creams, steaks or any food containing animal product that the problem starts. Excess cholesterol settles along the walls of the arteries and can clog them thus, restricting blood flow. This gives rise to angina, heart attack or stroke. It has also been shown that high cholesterol leads to gallstones. There are two types of cholesterol called good cholesterol or HDL and bad cholesterol or LDL. LDL is the cholesterol that clogs the arteries and should be lower while HDL scours the artery walls and removes the harmful LDL and should be higher.

Doctors recommend reducing and avoiding high-fat diets containing meat, eggs and dairy products. But you can use the following home remedies for treatment:

Natural Treatments For Migraine

There is a huge controversy regarding natural treatments for migraine among migraine sufferers and scientists. Are there any natural options that work? The answer is not a simple one.

For the majority of natural remedies that are traditionally passed from one generation to another, they are thought to lack scientific proof and to only use the placebo effect as a means of providing relief to patients. Despite the above fact natural treatments for migraine are widely spread and people seem to disregard scientific appeals.

One can understand that natural remedies exist for certain reasons:

1) The majority of them are based on natural substances that are easily available. 

2) Usually the natural treatments are handled better than the prophylactic medications that a migraine sufferer often has to take everyday to prevent migraine attacks from occurring and with fewer side effects.

3) The cost of natural remedies are most of the times markedly less than the one of migraine medications, especially the modern ones.

4) They may work after all!

One of the most common natural treatments for migraine headache is apple cider vinegar. It is believed to normalize the body’s pH so that migraine can be prevented. It is not scientifically proven to work but some people use drops of apple vinegar in their water or inhale the fumes of boiling water that contains apple vinegar.

Feverfew is natural herb that allegedly helps to prevent migraine attacks and to decrease the frequency of them. The migraines that occur are supposed to last less and have fewer and less severe accompanying symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. Feverfew has been tested safely in research studies up to 3-4 months. No scientific proof exists for a period of use longer than that. 

Apart from those two natural treatments for migraine there are some organized methods where a combination of strategies is used to treat migraines. Whatever you do, before taking any supplement consult your physician as some substances can interact with your current medication or medical conditions you might have.

5 Fitness Tips To Help You Stay Fit For Life

Getting in shape is one of the best things that a person can do for themselves. Being fit and getting regular exercise can help you to live a healthier and a longer life. Plus, it just gives you more energy to do everything that you do in your daily life. Here are some tips to help you maintain your exercise program.
1. The first thing to remember is to make sure that you have the correct footwear for what you are doing. If you are running, walking or doing some sort of cardiovascular workouts - you need to be wearing shoes that are made for your activity. They should have the stability that you need and the cushioning. You don't want to skimp in this area. Proper shoes are extremely important.
2. In addition to proper shoes, make sure that you are wearing the correct clothing. You want to wear loose fitting clothing that you can move in comfortably. Also, you want to invest in clothing that is especially made for working out. Technical clothing is made from materials that "wick" moisture away from your body as you sweat. This will keep you more comfortable. If you've even worked out or ran in a cotton tee shirt - you understand. Cotton will get wet, stay wet, gets heavy - and you will be pretty miserable during your exercise.
3. Cardio workouts are important - but you also want to incorporate other things into your routine. For example, if you do some weight training in addition to your cardio - you will burn more calories. Plus, weight training also helps work the muscles that are not used during your walks or runs - and will help give you more strength and endurance.
4. It's important to stay motivated. You can do this by setting goals for yourself. For example, if you are running or walking - have a goal of a certain amount of mileage that you can to achieve. You can have a goal of extra repetitions if you are doing crunches or some sort of weight work. Be creative and set some achievable goals - but goals that will make you work a little harder. You'll feel SO great when you reach that goal!
5. Make sure that you are warming up before your workouts and cooling down after your workouts. You may not think that it's important - but it is. You can do some light stretches or a short walk to warm up and cool down. It helps to keep you injury free!
Getting in shape and staying in shape is a goal that everyone should have - no matter how busy they are. It's that important! Visit Health and Fitness Tips for more tips on exercise and healthy eating.

10 Fitness Tips For Beginners

Healthy choices and proper workout is the way to a healthier you. First steps are always the hardest but with determination and motivation you will in no time overcome these challenges. Here are 10 tips that will help you to get started with your fitness plan.
Start with a Goal
Begin with your fitness plan by setting a goal. One can easily be deviated along the path of fitness program without set of goals. Your goal is like a map to achieve the desired weight and maintain wellness and health. You can begin planning for details on diet and exercise after a clear vision of your end result. A goal is a vital tool for your success and helpful for beginners.
Medical Health
Before starting with your workout, it is important get some advises and recommendation from your doctor. Although exercise could be a great help to improve health and condition, there are considerations for individuals who are has existing medical condition. Your medical condition should be one of your first priorities when planning for a fitness program. Make sure to find appropriate exercises approved by your doctor in order to minimize injury and help and improve your condition.
Get a Proper outfit
Make sure to use proper outfit before starting any exercise. Comfort should be your priority when choosing what type of shoes and clothing to wear. A right shoe for running, walking or playing sport is important to prevent injury to your foot. You don't need to get expensive fitness clothing. A simple, properly fit and comfortable outfit works fine.
Begin exercise with warm up and stretching
Warm-up and stretching are vital before starting an intense workout. This helps to prepare your body by increasing your blood flow to your muscles. Stretching is vital to prevent your muscles from strains and injury during an a workout.
Do Cardio Exercises
Start your workout with cardiovascular exercises. Do your desired repetitions with proper breathing technique. Do these gradually. A cardio workout promotes weight loss and keeps off those excess fats in the body. This helps you burn more calories and maintain a good blood circulation.
Don't forget to cool down
Cooling down after intense workout encourages your body to gradually reduce the temperature in your muscles. By doing this you are protecting your body from injuries and discomfort after workout. Cool down by continuing your exercise from an intense pace and gradually move to a slower pace.
Water up!
Hydrate yourself by drinking lots of water during workouts. This prevents dehydration by replacing water loss during workout. Water is vital for the body and health. It also flush out toxins from the body after workouts.
Refrain from over exercise
A well-planned fitness program not only includes changing dietary habits and workouts but also includes rest and recreation. Be sure to enjoy what you are doing. Make sure to have rest and give time for your muscles to regain its strength and build more muscles. Over-exercise makes you ineffective and can harm your body. Rest allows our body to completely recover before the next training.
Consume nutrient-rich foods
Taking up nutrient-rich food aids in keeping your body healthy and maintaining your weight. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains and protein gives more strength to your body, strengthens immune system, and improves muscle function. With all these, it will effectively aid in weight lost. Diet plays an important role for a successful fitness plan. Protein shakes and smoothies are just few of the examples that can provide you energy after an intense workout.
Fitness assessment
Fitness assessment is important to help you measure your achievement along the way. This helps you look on more ways needed for improvements and keep you motivated seeing good result.
Changing your lifestyle is the key for a successful fitness plan. There are varieties of ways that could hinder you along the way. So make sure to prepare yourself for the challenge.
Next to learn more about getting fit and healthy, or how to get rid of mommy tummyclick here to read our free ebook

5 Easy Health and Fitness Tips

Getting started with a lifestyle of health and fitness is not really the hard demanding task that anyone usually believe it is. When you really think about this, the difficult element is often the beginning. Later on, the rest will likely be a lot easier after you really get the hang of it. All it takes is self-control along with responsibility.
Below are 5 easy health and fitness tips on how to get a head start on your route to superior health and fitness. Read every one and you'll realize that it is actually easier than you maybe thought it would be. You only need to take the initial few simple steps.
Health and fitness tips #1: Start small.
When your preferred food is something you have to steer clear of, there isn't any meaning in leaving it out if you just binge when you can't take the abstinence any more. Take moderate actions. If you consume the meal each day try and cut down on your consumption and make it just 3 times weekly. When you have managed that, decrease further and make it once every seven days. Doing this, you can still take pleasure in the foods but not build up your longing for these.
Health and fitness tips #2: Plan reasonably.
Establish goals for yourself. But it does not necessarily imply that you will need to kill yourself to get it so when you don't you'll also kill yourself. Establishing too high goals will usually only bring about failure and frustration. While you prepare, be sure that you is able to do it. How will you know? Remain realistic. You know what you are capable of. It is far better setting goals for yourself that you know you can apply. Achieving them gives you a feeling of achievement which will make you more self-confident and much more happy to continue with your task.
Health and fitness tips #3: Use a friend.
Sharing the pains and aches along with the pleasures of achievements with a buddy may help make the program easier plus more tolerable. In reality, those with a companion are better suited to stick to their plans than those who will be undertaking the projects on their own. Simply because if you have a friend with you, he / she provides an assistance system that can help keep you on course which will help prevent you from abandoning. In addition to having a buddy along with you encountering the same struggles definitely makes the process more fun and much more enjoyable.
Health and fitness tips #4: Have self-discipline.
This really is one of the few issues that can make or shatter your intends to finally live a healthful lifestyle. As a way to really stick to the plan, you should develop self-discipline especially when it involves things which you eagerly want to accomplish or stuff that you are used to doing. Temptations in the process will be many and you need to be willing to face all of that!
Health and fitness tips #5: Practice it for your self.
Many men and women set out to live a life of health and fitness in hope of getting noticed by other people. Even though this is a valid reason, at times, it's not sufficient to see you through the full process. It is better that you just do this for yourself simply because you want a healthier and better you compared to do it for other people's acceptance. After all, the only real acceptance that you ever need to have is your own.
Kasper V. Christensen is the founder of Fortius Fitness Body Transformation. specializes in teaching men and woman how to build a strong, (very) lean and toned or muscular body with the look that is perfect for YOU - the natural way!

Frequently Asked Questions About Weight Loss And Diets

If you’re on a diet, or considering going on one, you’re in luck. We’ve put together ten of the most frequently asked questions about diets and weight loss and compiled them here. Enjoy! 

1. How much should I weigh? 

Your doctor can answer that question most accurately. More important than how much you weigh is your body/mass index, which measures your height against your weight.

2. What’s the best diet for losing weight? 

Any diet that provides all the nutrition that you need for health, and in addition, provides fewer calories than your body burns regularly. 

3. How can I keep off the weight that I lose? 

If you lose weight gradually and re-educate both yourself and your body about food, you’ll have a good start. The secret to keeping weight off is to balance your energy needs with your food intake. Eat enough calories to supply your body’s energy needs, but not so many that your body stores the excess as fat. 

4. What’s the story with obesity and diabetes? 

Obesity increases the risks of a number of chronic health conditions, and diabetes is one of them. People who are more than ten percent overweight increase their risk of developing type 2 diabetes substantially. 

5. How do I decrease my intake of sugar? 

Obviously, you can decrease your intake of sugar by cutting out sweets and refined snacks, but you should also watch out for ‘hidden’ sugars. Check ingredients. High fructose corn syrup and sucrose are both simple sugars that add lots of calories and little nutrition. 

6. How often should I weigh myself? 

Most diet experts recommend that you weigh yourself no more than once a week. Some go so far as to tell you to throw out the scale entirely! A more accurate measure of your loss is your clothing size. If your clothing is feeling looser, you’re doing great. 

7. Do I really have to exercise? 

You don’t HAVE to, but it will be a lot harder to lose weight if you don’t. A half hour of moderate exercise daily is the minimum activity level for healthy weight loss. You can get it walking, running, cleaning your house – anything active burns calories. 

8. What’s a calorie? 

A calorie is a measure of energy. Foods are rated with calories based on the amount of energy they provide to the body when consumed. 

9. Can I lose weight without changing my diet? 

Weight loss results when you burn more calories than you consume. If you only need to lose a small amount of weight and your diet is generally healthy, you can lose weight by increasing your activity level to burn more calories. If your diet is poor, or if you’re more than a few pounds overweight, you really need to learn a new, more healthy way or eating, or you’ll put the weight back on when you go back to ‘normal’ eating. 

10. Should I eat fish on my diet? 

Unless it’s expressly forbidden by your diet, absolutely. Fish is high protein, low saturated fat, and high in omega 3 fatty acids. Some doctors recommend eating as much as 10 servings of fish per week.

Weight Loss Made Easy

Weight loss is a major problem in U.S. Every day there is a formula or a new method to loose excess weight or to get rid of obesity. There have been scientific interventions in midst of natural ways of loosing weight. Many people in US follow different methods to keep themselves happy.

The health experts recently mentioned the only loosing of weight can be done through natural process. There are people who intake weight loss tablets or medicines, this can create a huge misunderstanding within the system of body and can really carry a lot of negative implications as one starts aging. 

The best remedy for the weight loss is through natural process, this was the basic conclusion by the experts. Natural process of weight loss comes with understanding your body and really taking to heart that you need to reduce weight for your own sake and your body’s sake. 

Before going to natural way of losing weight or weight loss method, it is best to take consultation from your personal health expert, taking suggestions from him or her for the best way to go around in losing the excess weight. 

Some of the methods that many health experts suggest for losing weight is watching the diet, exercising and drinking lot of water. Health experts once came to say that, drinking 2-3 bottles of water daily can reduce obesity in no time, people have not been able to grasp that well, but water really plays a great affect in keeping one fit and healthy. 

Obesity is an illness and some times it is psychologically in the head. It is important to remove any negativity from the head about your obesity and move on to having a healthy life style. Most people in U.S are suffering the problems of obesity for the very reason of being obese and not ever being able to come to a normal lifestyle. People need to really take it serious and to heart, that obesity is just a illness in head and once people decide to lose weight by proper implications than it is easy to lose weight in no time. 

Losing weight is not difficult, it is an easy method. Losing weight involves, taking care of diet, taking care of intake on calories, drinking to the most 2- 3 bottles of water every day and exercising. These are the best methods to lose weight and gain confidence about your self. 

Major observation given in losing the weight is watching the intake on calories every day. People have no balance on what they are eating every day. Many testimonials of obese people who have lost weight have said that, they never maintained their calorie levels daily, they had no control over it and they kept eating till they were tired. But once they started maintaining a diary on the intake of calories they have in a day that changed the whole perspective for them. They also made a point of exercising for one hour in a day, which is said to be more than enough period to lose on extra fats in a day.

Why Can T I Lose Weight

That’s the question many people ask when their weight loss plan isn’t working.
Asking yourself ‘Why can’t I lose weight?’ is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself. It says you know that what you’re currently doing isn’t working for you. 

You’re at the place where you’re ready to look at alternatives – try something different to get a result you want.

So why can’t you lose weight? Here are 3 possible reasons you may not be losing weight – and some suggestions on what you can do about it. 

#1) Medical Reasons 

Now this is not the same as saying you’re genetically programmed to be overweight. That is hogwash. In fact scientists estimate that even if you do have a genetic propensity to gain weight, your genes only account for 15 – 25% of your current weight. So forget the genetics excuse. 

But there are medical reasons that some people can’t lose weight. Low thyroid, adrenal exhaustion, insulin resistance and other medical conditions can make losing weight near to impossible.

That’s why before starting any weight loss plan, you should talk to your doctor first. Have a full workup and make sure that you don’t have any health issues standing in the way of your weight loss. 

There’s nothing more frustrating that trying to lose weight, doing all the right things and not losing an inch – all because of a medical condition. Get the medical condition cleared up first and then address the weight (in fact, the weight may just go down on it’s own once you get the medical condition addressed).

#2) Emotional Eating 

I recently read an article where a nutritionist estimated that 75% of overeating was due to emotions. 75%! Can you imagine what would happen if you learned to eliminate emotional eating and cut out all those calories? What a weight loss impact! The weight would be falling off.

Unfortunately, in today’s world, emotional eating is on the rise. Most people today are feeling the pressure of an increasingly hectic lifestyle. We hardly have time to tie our shoes, never mind deal with our emotions. 

Because of this, our emotions get stuffed down and ignored until finally they explode and we’re face-down in a bowl of Rocky-Road ice cream with extra chocolate sauce. 

Here’s the bottom line: you are human and you have emotions. Your emotional needs are important and need to be addressed properly with love. You need emotional nurturing and proper emotional care. 

If that means you take a 5 minute break every few hours at work to regain your emotional balance, do it. If that means you need to unwind by doing a mall walk and window shopping after work – don’t let anything stop you. 

Learn to nurture your emotional health and you’ll nip emotional eating in the bud – and start losing weight FAST.

#3) Mismatched Weight Loss Plan 

There are many different ways to lose weight and dozens of weight loss programs to choose from. Some plans emphasize a change in diet, others emphasize a change in exercise, others focus on the inner reasons for overeating. 

Every person is different and will lose weight in their own unique way. If what you’re doing now isn’t currently working, it may be a simple case of personality-plan mismatch. 

Maybe instead of a diet-focused weight loss plan, you would feel better with a fitness-focused weight loss plan or a psychological weight loss plan. There are lots of plans to choose from and you deserve to take your time and find one that fits your personality and lifestyle best. 

If you think this is the case, take some time to review different diet or weight loss plans. Find one that you can get excited about, one that makes sense to you and that fits your belief system and personality. That’s when you’ll make real weight loss progress!

So those are 3 possible reasons for your weight loss plateau. You don’t have to stay stuck in a weight loss rut. You don’t have to keep asking yourself the frustrating question: Why Can’t I Lose Weight?’ Keep believing in yourself and in your dreams. Don’t give up and you will get there!

Weight Loss Support Is Critical

Losing weight is not rocket science. It requires no special diet, no special foods and no special exercise program. All we need to do is eat less calories than we burn. Despite this, as well as an ever growing number of diets and weight control plans, obesity continues to grow. And the vast majority of dieters find it almost impossible to lose weight without regaining everything within a matter of months. Why is this? Answer: because we don’t get enough support.

Get Proper Help To Lose Weight

Our greatest need when dieting is encouragement. We need people to cheer our successes and help us overcome our disasters. Amazingly, most online weight loss programs fail to address this need. Instead, they focus on what we should eat, how many calories we should consume, and what exercise we should take. And while this advice is useful, it’s not critical. Because most of us know this stuff already. What we have difficulty with, is motivation. We know what to do in order to lose weight, but we can’t sustain it. Maybe we lack a strong incentive, or perhaps our family situation interferes with our weight loss plans, or maybe we hate cooking and eat out too often. Whatever difficulty we have, it’s not likely to involve food or exercise. It’s much more likely to be a motivational or lifestyle problem. Yet as I say, most online programs don’t offer motivational or lifestyle support. And even when they do, their advice can often be expensive and quite uninspiring!

Survey Of Dieters

The value of proper support was highlighted in a recent survey of members of Anne Collins online weight loss program. The program includes a 24/7 community forum specializing in motivation and lifestyle support, with several thousand topics and approximately 100,000 posts. Subjects were asked to assess the personal benefit they had obtained from the forum. A total of 1,348 subjects responded, of whom 81 percent rated the program’s community forum as “important” or “very important” in helping them to lose weight, while less than 5 percent said it “made no difference.” While in no way conclusive, the results indicate the practical value of a “community” approach to weight management.

Weight Loss Meetings

For urban dieters, Weight Watchers is probably the best option. Their meetings are specially designed to help dieters overcome difficulties, but even Weight Watchers has its limitations. First, it’s not cheap to join. Secondly, members typically attend only once a week. So if your diet-wagon loses a wheel on Saturday night, you may have to wait several days for the next meeting to help you out. Like eDiets, Weight Watchers now offers an online service, but again – at something like $250-300 a year – it’s not cheap.

Not Easy To Change Habits

Changing our eating habits is no easy matter. Sure, it helps to know that a cup of fat-free milk contains 40 percent fewer calories and 16 times less fat than whole milk, or that lean ground steak contains half the calories and 4 times less fat than regular cheddar cheese, but how does this help us to say No to a second helping of pizza? How does it quench our desire for a double cheeseburger and fries? It doesn’t. Because facing down temptation requires a change of attitude, a change of priorities. And in my experience, this takes time and as much encouragement as we can get. We need to hear from people like us who have managed to change their attitude and eating habits, and who can explain how to overcome the problems involved. Above all, we need a safety-net if we fail. We need shoulders to cry on and “tough love” to help us win through. In short, we need the support of a real community.

Join An Online Community Forum

In my experience, dieters who join a good online community forum can expect to lose 400-500 percent more weight than those who go solo. In addition, if they maintain their community membership after achieving their goals, they have an excellent chance of maintaining their weight loss indefinitely. This is because an online community can provide a number of specific benefits. First, as stated, it offers personal advice and encouragement. Secondly, it offers members the opportunity to help other people – something that typically works wonders for their self-esteem and understanding. Thirdly, most community forums are self-run. Members may progress to become moderators or resident experts. This too is a real confidence booster as well as a great incentive to maintain weight lost. But by far the major benefit is the fact that online forums are in action 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So support and human warmth is available whenever you need it. They are real 24/7 safety nets, especially Anne Collins forum which has members from all time zones of the world.

Features To Look For

The best forums are active, well-managed and provide quality advice and support. Activity is best judged by checking the number of “active” members, rather than total membership. And the greater the number of recent threads (topics) and posts (messages), the better. Assessing the management and quality of the forum is a bit more difficult. To do this, open a recent thread, scan the posts and look for the following. First, how quickly do members and/or moderators reply to questions asked? Second, are the questions and answers reasonably serious, or more frivolous? Generally, a well-managed forum will have a higher percentage of serious posts. Other questions to ask yourself include: how “personal” does the forum appear to be? Do you feel a sense of warmth and caring? What age-groups are most active? Take a good look around, and don’t hurry. Finding the right forum for yourself is crucial to your weight loss success.

Summary: Focus On What Matters

The secret of successful weight loss is to focus on what matters. So don’t waste too much time or money trying to find the “perfect” diet. I mean no disrespect to any dietitian or nutritionist but, for most people, a diet is a diet is a diet. As long as it’s reasonably balanced and includes a reasonable number of calories, it’ll do fine. What really matters is support – to help you cope with temptation and disruption during your journey. An excellent option is to join an online weight loss forum and be part of a real community. Because when you have tons of friendly people cheering you on, you can move mountains.

8 Mistakes I Made While Trying To Lose Weight

I went on my first diet around five years ago. Over the past four and a half years my weight went up and down as I tried every diet and exercise program under the sun. Nothing seemed to work for me. Until six months ago I enrolled in a weight workshop which taught me that I need to change the way I look at food. It was then that I realized that I had made many mistakes in my quest to lose weight.

In this article I’m going to share with you eight mistakes I made on my quest to lose weight. I hope by sharing my experiences with others throughout the world via the internet I might be able to help people avoid the mistakes I made. So, here are the eight mistakes I made while trying to lose weight.

1. I started to skip breakfast

Most people trying to lose weight believe simply eating less and skipping meals helps shed that fat. And breakfast is a real easy meal to skip. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when on a weight loss diet. If you leave the house in the morning on an empty stomach you’re much more tempted to eat more at morning tea and lunch times. And, calories you eat at breakfast time are easily burnt throughout the day.

2. I would eat one day and not the next

I would literally eat about 2000+ calories one day, feel guilty, and end up eating about 700 calories the following day. If you “starve” yourself throughout the day you’re much more likely to eat more in the evenings, which is not going to help you lose weight. You should consume most of your calories in the morning.

3. I bought diet food

When I went shopping I always looked for the foods marked diet, low-fat, healthy etc. This is a good practice to get into, but I was buying these foods for the wrong reason. I bought these foods because in my mind it meant I could more. I would totally disregard portion size. If you eat diet foods in large portions you’re not doing yourself any favors.

4. I thought I’d always be fat

This is mindset that you must break if you want to lose some serious weight. Sometimes it feels like you’re doing the right things and not making any progress, this is totally natural. You need to focus on being happy and healthy and achieving your goals. Try not to get caught up in “the big picture”.

5. I started eating salads as main meals

Eating salad is a good way of keeping your calorie intake down right? Yes, meal of salad has much less calories that a pizza but does it have the satisfaction? When you eat you mind needs to get some satisfaction from what you have just eaten. I found that when I ate salads for meals a few hours later I was back I the cupboard looking for more food. I learnt that I was better off eating a balanced meal with slightly more calories than simply eating a salad and snacking afterwards.

6. I started my new diets on Mondays

When I found a new diet that I decided I was going to try I always started it on a Monday. This meant I would eat all weekend like I was never going to eat again. Doing this I was just setting myself up for failure.

7. I was to embarrassed to go to the gym

Taking the plunge and joining a gym was one of the hardest things I ever did. I was always worried that people in the gym would be staring at me and talking about me. I really thought I was too fat to join. My advice is to join a gym! You’ll be glad you did. I look forward to going to the gym now.

8. I set my goals to high

Setting long term goals is great, but these goals always seem to far off. You need to set smaller, more reachable goals that you can regularly meet to keep your motivation high. Set yourself weekly, monthly and three monthly goals. Once you meet one short term goal set a new one for next week.

So there you have it, those are the mistakes I made. I now look at weight loss from a totally different perspective and it has paid off. I now help others with weight loss and keeping healthy.